Do you have a Windows Home Server yet?

If you do not yet have a Windows Home Server you need one. Why, you ask? Simple, because it does almost everything you might need in a home environment, it runs automated backups, acts as a central place to store all your digital media and even acts as a print server. It is headless (no monitor) so it can be put about anywhere and the amount of storage is unlimited, simply pop in another internal or external hard drive.

What is that you say? You are already running Small Business Server on your network? Great, me too. WHS integrates seamlessly with SBS and can even be used to back up the SBS server. If you are like me and use Media Center Extenders it is a better place to store your media than the SBS machine because then your Extenders can access the media seamlessly.

You can buy one direct from HP or build one from an old machine.

So… When are you going to start running Windows Home Server on your network?

Clubhouse Tags: clubhouse, story, home server
posted by Jeff in WHS,Windows Home Server and have No Comments

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